Thursday, June 21, 2012

Startin off summer..

..In all the wrong ways. I can happily say I'm ready for at least this MONTH to be over. Is it heinous for me to think that each of my next living situations is going to be better than the last? I'm beginning to realize it gets worse with age. I guess being young makes you look past a bunch of the petty things because you really just want to enjoy your time and I feel like the older people get, the more willing they are to make a "point" out of things. *Sigh..* 'Merica! Where dreams are stomped to the ground and wallets are sucked dry. Gotta love it..

Well, I applied for a new second job yesterday. Hopefully it all works out. Small, local bar in the area. I already know most of the regulars and people that work there so it'd be pretty ideal for me. I would unfortunately have to dye my blue hair back to a "normal" color though:/ lol.

This first blog is me basically just trying to get started. Had a really bad end to my night last night and an even worse start this morning. I wanted to get on here to rant, but I'm going to avoid setting off anyone for now. I just needed to write something. lol.

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